Saturday, February 12, 2011

First Poverty Spells and Suicide

By Ann Mullen

This article will examine information on the problem of becoming suddenly in need and how it affects the middle class in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and the rest of the world. I will show how it has been studied by the U.S. Census Bureau and make references to various dissertations, position papers, speeches and local agencies' information on the subject.

Poverty of information on Poverty Spells

I began seeking articles about poverty spells, particularly the first spell. I expected to find a wealth of information, but instead found precious little on the first poverty spell. While very out of date one of the first articles on poverty spells was an NBER Working Paper Series; "Slipping into and Out of Poverty: The Dynamics of Spells"; by Mary Jo Bane and David T. Ellwood; Working Paper #1199; National Bureau of Economic Research; 1050 Massachusetts Avenue; Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; September, 1983; hereafter referred to as Bane and Ellwood.

Ann Mullen is a woman of a certain age who has been writing for two decades. Her websites,Media-Ann-Such and New2Need cover articles on a wide range of topics. You are invited to come and see what else is on her sites.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Increasing disease of Aids because of Poverty

by Maaiz Naseer

 It is in our observation that the rate of diseases is increased due to poverty. The reason is lack of food which is necessary to maintain the health balance of human body. If a person would be hungry obviously different diseases will attack him.

In some cases poor man is forced to beg to meet his needs. In this society how can he fulfill the demands of family he loses self confidence and starts degrading himself.

He takes drugs in some cases he/she often becomes the victom of prostitution which ultimately ruins his or he life. He/She gets involved in this mud and unable to get out of it.

Knowingly or unknowingly he/she is responsible for spreading one of the most dangerous diseases of the world AIDS.

Because of this disease aids which is generated in him/her, He/she ruins others lives also.

We should provide basis needs to the poor so that we may play our role in diminishing aids from society.

It is not so difficult to over come this issue if every individual starts realizing his responsibility towards the betterment of society in some day there would be improvement in society definitely.

Can't we take a step towards this crucial matter ?